202.1 is going to be great…
2020 was supposed to be our year. We signed our first game at the beginning of it. We were set up to demo our game at a local convention. Jess was going to a design retreat in March. The year was looking great.
Then the week Jess got back from the retreat it was announced that the kids would not be coming back to school after that weekend. Schoon finished Boxbot to the point of having a couple of Beta testers shortly after that and it was nice to have something out there in the wild, but as soon as it was released friends broke it. They showed us so many things that needed to change.
In the middle of March all four of us started being in the same space all the time. We had to be all the friendship, all the education, all the play time, and all the love for each other. It drained all brain cells from Jess, and everything in this company was put on hold.
Now that we have completed year version 202.0 we are ready to move forward to version 202.1. We are looking forward to conventions again, self publishing a game, having a game released by another publisher, and releasing a completely redone and ready for extra awesomeness version of BoxBot.
Anticipated Dates for 2021:
* June 1st: BoxBot Release
* June 15th: Boardgame accompaniment app
* August 1st: Astro release
* Sept/ Oct: Origins
* November: BGG.Com
* December: PAX Unplugged
We hope to see you around!